Can a fire hydrant be placed in a hotel kitchen?


Kitchens need to be well-equipped with fire-fighting facilities, especially kitchens in the catering industry. After all, kitchens are places where people cook for a long time, and there are many flammable and explosive dangerous goods in them, so it is necessary for the kitchen to take fire-fighting measures. However, can fire hydrants be placed in hotel kitchens? Let's take a look with SHINELONG editor. Can fire hydrants be set up in hotel kitchens? Fire hydrants are generally not placed in kitchens, which does not comply with fire regulations and is not conducive to timely rescue by firefighters. Fire hydrants should be placed in public shared spaces such as corridors or halls. They are generally located in the walls of the above spaces. No decoration can be made on them. They are required to have eye-catching markings (fire hydrants), and no obstacles should be set in front of them to avoid affecting the opening of the fire hydrant door. What are the types of fire hydrants? 1. Indoor fire hydrants: Indoor fire hydrants are indoor pipe networks that supply water to the fire scene. They have valve interfaces. They are indoor fixed fire-fighting facilities such as factories, warehouses, high-rise buildings, public buildings and ships. They are usually installed in fire hydrant boxes and used in conjunction with fire hoses and water guns. 2. Outdoor fire hydrants: Outdoor fire hydrants are water supply facilities installed on the fire water supply network outside the building. They are mainly used for fire trucks to take water from the municipal water supply network or the outdoor fire water supply network to implement fire extinguishing. They can also be directly connected to water hoses and water guns to discharge water for fire extinguishing. Therefore, the outdoor fire hydrant system is also one of the important fire fighting facilities for fire fighting. 3. Rotating fire hydrants: Rotating fire hydrants are indoor fire hydrants whose bolt bodies can rotate 360 ​​degrees horizontally relative to the base connected to the water inlet pipeline. It has the characteristics of relative rotation between the bolt body and the base, so it can be installed in an ultra-thin box, making it possible to thin the box. When the fire hydrant is not in use, the water outlet of the bolt body can be rotated to a state parallel to the wall, and the box door can be closed; when in use, the water outlet of the bolt body can be rotated out perpendicular to the wall, and the water hose can be connected for easy operation. Through the introduction of SHINELONG editor, we know that fire hydrants cannot be placed in hotel kitchens. The types of fire hydrants are also explained in detail above. Mastering these life safety knowledge is also beneficial for the correct use of fire protection facilities. Follow SHINELONG Commercial Kitchen Company to get more kitchen-related knowledge.

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