How to Care and Maintain a Meat Slicer


Meat slicers are professional equipment for cutting meat slices. Meat slicers can cut meat slices, shredded meat, and diced meat that meet various requirements. They are easy to operate, cut into pieces neatly, and the thickness of the sliced ​​meat is uniform. The cutting effect is good and the efficiency is high. Meat slicers are ideal processing equipment for hotels, restaurants, canteens, and meat processing companies. Let's learn about the relevant knowledge of how to maintain meat slicers with SHINELONG editor. Maintenance measures for meat slicers 1. There must be a good grounding wire before use. 2. The meat to be cut must not have bone chips to avoid overload and damage to the motor and blade. 3. The idling time should not exceed 2 minutes to prevent the blade from rubbing and heating and burning the blade edge. 4. The reason for the adhesion of meat slices may be that the blades of the two knives are not close together, and they should be adjusted. 5. During the operation of the meat slicer, if the machine sound is abnormal, it must be stopped and checked immediately, and the work can continue after the fault is eliminated. 6. At the end of each day's work, the meat slicer should be cleaned in time, and blown dry after cleaning. Regular cleaning and maintenance can prevent the machine parts from being damaged prematurely. 7. When the meat slicer is not used for a long time, it should be stored in a dry environment without corrosive gases. It should not be in contact with corrosive substances to avoid damage to the product. 8. All maintenance and care of the meat slicer must be carried out with the power turned off. The above is the maintenance method of the meat slicer explained by the SHINELONG editor. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about the meat slicer, you can pay attention to SHINELONG kitchen equipment. The editor will update the relevant knowledge from time to time.

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