What is a centrifugal pump?


A centrifuge is a machine that uses centrifugal action to separate liquids from solid particles or components in a mixture of liquids and liquids, also known as a centrifuge. It is mainly used to separate solid particles from liquids in a suspension or to separate two immiscible liquids of different densities in an emulsion. Let's learn about what a centrifugal pump is and what its classifications and working principles are with SHINELONG editor! What are the classifications of centrifuges? 1. According to the speed, it can be divided into: low-speed centrifuge, high-speed centrifuge and ultra-high-speed centrifuge; 2. According to the temperature requirements, it can be divided into: ordinary centrifuge and refrigerated centrifuge; 3. According to the different rotors, it can be divided into: horizontal rotor centrifuge and angle rotor centrifuge; 4. According to the size of the centrifuge, it can also be divided into: floor-standing centrifuge, desktop centrifuge, handheld centrifuge, etc.; 5. According to the grade of the centrifuge, it can also be divided into ordinary centrifuge and precision centrifuge. What is the function and principle of the centrifuge? The working principles of centrifuges are centrifugal filtration and centrifugal sedimentation. 1. Centrifugal filtration The centrifugal pressure generated by the suspension under the centrifugal field acts on the filter medium (filter screen or filter cloth), so that the liquid passes through the filter medium to become filtrate; while the solid particles are trapped on the surface of the filter medium to form filter residue, thereby achieving liquid-solid separation. There are holes on the circumferential wall of the filter drum, and the inner wall is lined with filter medium. 2. Centrifugal sedimentation uses the principle that the components of the suspension (or emulsion) with different densities quickly settle and stratify in the centrifugal field to achieve liquid-solid (or liquid-liquid) separation. The circumferential wall of the sedimentation drum has no holes. When the solid and liquid mixture to be separated enters the high-speed rotating drum from the feed port, under the action of centrifugal force, the mixture is filtered through the filter screen, the liquid separation is discharged through the drain pipe, and the solid separation remains in the drum. When the solid separation in the drum meets the requirements specified by the equipment, the feeding is stopped, the solid separation is cleaned, and the washing liquid is discharged at the same time. After the cleaning meets the requirements, the centrifuge runs at a low speed, and the solid separation discharge device (scraper) is driven by the AC servo motor to discharge the solid separation, completing a working process. In summary: The editor recommends that you must purchase according to your own needs. When purchasing, you must choose a good rotor. The rotor is very important and is the main part of the centrifuge, so you must pay more attention when purchasing. That's all for today's sharing! I believe everyone knows what a centrifugal pump is. If you want to know more information, pay attention to the SHINELONG official website. The SHINELONG editor will continue to update relevant information.

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