What is a Commercial Oven?


Food made in the oven is now loved by many people. But how much do you know about commercial ovens? Today, I will introduce to you what a commercial oven is and what are its characteristics? What is a commercial oven? A commercial oven is an electrical appliance used to bake or bake food. It uses the radiant heat emitted by the electric heating element to bake food. The commercial oven is relatively large in size and can bake more food at a time. In addition, commercial ovens need to be displayed in many cases, so the hatch is mostly made of glass. What are the characteristics of commercial ovens: 1. Energy saving: The hot air generated by the commercial oven will be stored inside the oven and will not be lost, so the baking speed of the commercial oven is very fast, saving a lot of energy. 2. Comfort: The sound produced by the commercial oven when in use is very small, and it will not affect our other work during our use. Its temperature can also be adjusted at will according to the temperature you need, which is very simple and convenient to use. 3. Material: Most of the ovens use national standard stainless steel on the outside and 304 stainless steel on the inside, and the parts in contact with food are food grade 304 stainless steel. 4. Food drying: Some of our daily foods will become damp after a period of time, which will affect the consumption of food and change the taste. The oven can put the damp food into the oven and evaporate the moisture in the food with high temperature, so that the food will become dry again. The above is an introduction by the editor of SHINELONG about what a commercial oven is and its characteristics. Commercial ovens also have multi-functional models. The multi-functional oven has baking, steaming, and steaming and baking mixed functions. It also has many other functions such as intelligent temperature control, timing and temperature setting, automatic cleaning, etc. If you want to know more about commercial kitchen equipment, please pay attention to the official website of SHINELONG. The editor of SHINELONG will publish more articles on commercial kitchen equipment for you from time to time.

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