What is the maximum power of a commercial induction cooker?


What is the maximum power of a commercial induction cooker? This is a question that many new chefs will pay attention to. Various commercial induction cooker manufacturers customize standard power ranges according to industry standards, chefs' cooking habits, actual working conditions, etc. Then, let SHINELONG editor give you a brief introduction below, and talk about what is the maximum power of a commercial induction cooker? The working power range and maximum power of commercial induction cookers. Commercial induction cookers can be divided into desktop furnaces and vertical furnaces according to their types. Among them, desktop furnaces can be divided into flat furnaces and concave furnaces, and vertical furnaces can be divided into large stir-fry furnaces and small stir-fry furnaces. Whether it is a flat furnace or a concave furnace, the power of a desktop furnace is generally 3kw-8kw, while a vertical small stir-fry furnace is generally 8kw-15kw, and a vertical large stir-fry furnace is 12kw-30kw. Then at this time, someone may ask if it is possible to make a commercial induction cooker with a specific power? The answer is yes. Take SHINELONG as an example. SHINELONG commercial induction cooker can provide customized power, but it is within a certain power range. This is because considering the materials of woks on the market and the cooking habits of chefs, if the power is too high, the temperature may rise too quickly and too high, which may exceed the wok's tolerance range and cause deformation, or exceed the chef's control of temperature and cause burning or even dry burning. Therefore, when customers request customization of the induction cooker power, our SHINELONG kitchen engineering designers will consult customers about the reasons for customization and actual needs and then provide advice based on the situation. However, in fact, the standard power range of the induction cooker can fully meet the needs of most customers. Through the above answers, I believe that everyone has a detailed understanding of the maximum power of commercial induction cookers. If you have other questions about commercial kitchens, you may wish to pay attention to SHINELONG commercial kitchen projects. We will provide various commercial kitchen knowledge sharing from time to time.

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