What should I pay attention to when using stainless steel tableware?


Stainless steel tableware is widely used in the catering industry, but do you know what to pay attention to when using stainless steel tableware? The following SHINELONG editor will teach you how to use stainless steel tableware correctly. Precautions for the use of stainless steel kitchenware 1. Never use strong alkaline or strong oxidizing chemicals such as baking soda, bleaching powder, sodium hypochlorite, etc. for washing. Because these substances are strong electrolytes, they will also react electrochemically with stainless steel. 2. Do not store salt, soy sauce, vinegar, vegetable soup, etc. for a long time, because these foods contain a lot of electrolytes. If they are stored for a long time, stainless steel will also react electrochemically with these electrolytes like other metals, so that harmful metal elements are dissolved. 3. Do not burn empty: Stainless steel cookware has a lower thermal conductivity than iron and aluminum products, and the heat transfer time is slow. Burning empty will cause the chrome plating on the surface of the cookware to age and fall off. 4. Do not use stainless steel pots to cook Chinese medicine, because Chinese medicine contains a variety of alkaloids, organic acids and other ingredients. Especially under heating conditions, it is difficult to avoid chemical reactions with them, which will make the medicine ineffective and even generate some more toxic complexes. 5. Keep the cookware clean and scrub it frequently, especially after storing condiments such as vinegar and soy sauce, wash it in time and keep the cookware dry. 6. Do not buy inferior stainless steel tableware, because such stainless steel tableware is made of inferior raw materials, rough production, and contains a variety of heavy metal elements that are harmful to human health, especially lead, aluminum, mercury and cadmium. The most important thing to note is that any tableware, including stainless steel tableware, may breed bacteria on the surface after using it for a period of time, especially chopsticks, spoons, bowls and other tableware. It is best to disinfect the tableware regularly. If you have other questions about the use of stainless steel tableware, please pay attention to the official website of SHINELONG Equipment Engineering.

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