Can pregnant women use commercial induction cookers?


In the past, many customers have asked whether pregnant women can use commercial induction cookers? Today, SHINELONG editor will explain it to you through this article. Electromagnetic radiation problem: Induction cookers, including commercial induction cookers, will generate electromagnetic radiation. However, this radiation is usually non-ionizing radiation, and its effect on the human body and fetus is relatively small. However, pregnant women still need to keep a certain distance when using it, and try to avoid long-term contact to reduce potential risks. Commercial induction cookers of regular brands usually undergo strict safety testing and certification, and their electromagnetic radiation levels will be controlled within a safe range. Therefore, it is safer to choose an induction cooker of a regular brand with national electromagnetic radiation certification. Commercial induction cookers are all made of all-stainless steel shells. The metal shell has a strong radiation isolation effect. Only a small part will appear from the black crystal panel, and the black crystal panel will not be touched under normal use. The electromagnetic radiation generated by regular commercial induction cookers is not as good as that of mobile phones, and we carry mobile phones on our bodies almost every day without causing much objection, let alone induction cookers with lower radiation and lower frequency of use. Safety and hygiene in use: When pregnant women use commercial induction cookers, they should ensure that the induction cooker is placed stably, there are no flammable items around, and avoid safety risks such as electric shock. Keeping the kitchen environment clean and tidy to avoid cross infection is very important for the health of pregnant women and fetuses. Reduce the frequency and time of use: Try to avoid using the induction cooker for a long time. The cooking speed should be fast and it is not advisable to stay next to the induction cooker for a long time. This can reduce the time pregnant women are exposed to electromagnetic radiation. If you need to use the induction cooker frequently, you must buy an induction cooker that has been formally tested by the state. Avoid wearing radiation-proof clothing: It should be noted that the radiation-proof clothing claimed on the market is almost all false products, and regular radiation-proof clothing is almost unavailable in the ordinary market. Many so-called radiation-proof clothing may even lead to enhanced radiation due to lack of strict scientific design. Therefore, please do not believe in the so-called radiation-proof clothing on the market. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Pregnant women should maintain a healthy lifestyle while using the induction cooker, including a reasonable diet, proper exercise, and adequate sleep. These measures help to enhance the physical fitness and immunity of pregnant women and reduce the potential impact of external factors such as electromagnetic radiation on the body. In summary, pregnant women can use commercial induction cookers, but it should be noted that they must purchase regular commercial induction cookers, use the induction cookers correctly and safely, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and ensure the hygiene of the kitchen. The above is an analysis on whether pregnant women can use commercial induction cookers. If you are interested in sharing commercial kitchen equipment, you can follow us at SHINELONG. Of course, if you want to buy regular and genuine commercial induction cookers, you can also send us a private message. We will offer greater discounts than traditional channels.

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