What are the functions of the food elevator?


A food elevator is an elevator used in hotels, kitchens, canteens, restaurants, kindergartens, shopping malls, factories and other departments to transport food, tableware and daily necessities. It can provide fast, convenient and economical small cargo transportation, greatly saving time and human resources for users. Let's follow SHINELONG editor to learn about the functions of the food elevator! Food elevators are generally equipped with a call box on the bottom floor and an electric lock to temporarily start and shut down the elevator control system. The food elevator itself is a steel structure frame and is easy to install. Automatic control functions of food elevators: 1) Alignment function for each floor: After the food elevator is aligned with the floor, the elevator door opens. 2) Intercom call for each floor: There is an intercom phone for mutual communication. 3) Buzzer prompt function: There is a buzzer prompt after reaching the target floor. 4) Fault self-diagnosis function: When the elevator has a fault, it can diagnose the cause of the fault by itself, and can display the diagnosed fault in the form of code on the digital display in the control box. 5) Running graphics card: It can display the running direction and floor. The food elevator has high safety performance. It generally has dual protection and safety control systems for the car door and the hall door. The hall door cannot be opened during the operation of the elevator. Once it is opened, the elevator will stop running immediately to prevent accidents. The food elevator has been tracked and inspected by the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau since its production, manufacturing, installation, and use. It is very safe. The above is the food elevator function introduced by the SHINELONG editor. I hope it can help you. If you need to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to the SHINELONG equipment official website. The SHINELONG editor will continue to update relevant equipment information for you.

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