What is the difference between a commercial oven and a home oven?


Ovens are also widely used in households. With an oven, you can eat all kinds of baked food at home, and it is relatively more hygienic and safer to make your own food. Commercial ovens are more common in commercial use. So what is the difference between commercial ovens and household ovens? Let's take a look at the differences with SHINELONG editor. The differences between commercial ovens and household ovens are: 1. Capacity The amount of food that needs to be baked in a household oven is not much each time, so it does not require a large volume, and the continuous working time is relatively short. Therefore, the volume of household ovens does not need to be large. The baking requirements of commercial ovens are different. What is used in commercial places needs to be able to work continuously, and the amount of food that needs to be baked is large. The demand for baked food is sometimes continuous, so the volume must be large enough to ensure the production efficiency. 2. Temperature The volume of household ovens is not large, and the temperature is basically stable and uniform, but the actual temperature after baking fluctuates greatly, and the quality of the baked goods will be somewhat unstable. Commercial ovens have strict requirements on temperature stability, uniformity of heating, and accuracy of time, and different commercial uses are adjusted to different temperature ranges. 3. Oven power Commercial ovens need to use three-phase electricity, using a voltage of 380V to ensure that the ingredients have a better heat when cooking. Household electricity is generally single-phase electricity, using a voltage of 220V. Therefore, the power of commercial ovens is much larger than that of homes. Generally, the electric meter at home cannot meet the requirements, and there is no need to use high-power commercial ovens for home ovens. 4. Oven type Household ovens are generally electric ovens. After all, commercial ovens are high-power equipment. In addition to electricity, commercial ovens can also be heated by gas, natural gas or liquefied gas. 5. Material price Commercial ovens need to fully consider functionality and durability because they require high-frequency operations. The selection of materials is more advanced and the craftsmanship is more sophisticated. The exterior uses national standard stainless steel and the interior uses 304 stainless steel, and the parts in contact with food are all food-grade 304 stainless steel. The design of household ovens is relatively small and convenient, and the requirements for materials are not as high as those for commercial ovens. The price is usually hundreds to thousands of dollars. Compared with commercial ovens, the price will be very cheap. 6. Oven functions Commercial multifunctional ovens have functions such as baking, steaming, and mixed baking and steaming. Recipes can be stored in the menu. You can also choose to design public or confidential menus. They can be set at a fixed time and temperature, and automatically clean after use. The functions of household ovens are slightly simpler than commercial ovens. They do not have functions such as storing menus and automatic cleaning. The above is the relevant content about the difference between commercial ovens and household ovens. Their main differences are different in nature, function, and power, so the choices are also different. There are thousands of oven types and brands. SHINELONG editor recommends choosing a good brand when purchasing an oven to ensure oven quality and after-sales service.

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