Which is better, electromagnetic teppanyaki or electric teppanyaki?


Teppanyaki is a cooking technique invented in Spain in the 15th and 6th centuries, and later developed by Japan. Its unique flavor, performance-style cooking skills, and higher-level dining form make teppanyaki a symbol of high-end catering. To make teppanyaki, special teppanyaki equipment is essential. At present, the common teppanyaki on the market is divided into gas and electric. Among them, electric teppanyaki is the current mainstream. Electric teppanyaki is currently mainly divided into electromagnetic teppanyaki and electric teppanyaki. So which of these two is better? Today, let SHINELONG Xiaobian do a simple popular science for everyone. The difference between heating principle and heating speed Electromagnetic teppanyaki uses the principle of electromagnetic induction. When alternating current passes through the electromagnetic coil, an alternating magnetic field is generated. When the iron plate is placed in this magnetic field, an induced current (eddy current) will be generated inside the iron plate. Because the iron plate has resistance, the eddy current will cause the iron plate itself to heat up, thereby heating the food. This heating method is more efficient, the heat is generated inside the iron plate, and the heating speed is relatively fast. Electric teppanyaki mainly generates heat through heating elements (such as resistance wires), and then conducts the heat to the iron plate. The heating element is usually installed under or around the iron plate. It takes a certain amount of time for the heat to be transferred from the heat source to the iron plate, and the heating rate is generally slightly slower than that of the electromagnetic one. Temperature control accuracy The temperature control of the electromagnetic teppanyaki is relatively accurate. By adjusting the current of the electromagnetic coil, the heat generated by the iron plate can be accurately controlled, thereby achieving more accurate temperature regulation. Teppanyaki often cooks some ingredients that require high temperature, so electromagnetic teppanyaki is more suitable for catering places that require high product quality. The temperature control accuracy of electric teppanyaki is relatively low. Because the iron plate is heated by heat conduction, the residual heat of the heating element may cause the temperature to rise or fall after adjustment. However, there are now some electric teppanyaki equipment that uses advanced temperature control technology, which can improve the accuracy of temperature control to a certain extent. Heat conversion efficiency The energy efficiency of the electromagnetic teppanyaki is relatively high. Since electromagnetic induction directly generates heat inside the iron plate, the loss during heat transfer is reduced, and the thermal efficiency can usually reach about 80% - 90%. This means that under the same cooking time and power, the electromagnetic teppanyaki is relatively more energy-efficient. The thermal efficiency of the electric teppanyaki is relatively low. Because heat needs to be transferred from the heating element to the iron plate, some heat will be lost to the surrounding environment during this process, and its thermal efficiency is generally around 70% - 80%. Safety Electromagnetic teppanyaki is relatively safe. Since the electromagnetic coil and the iron plate transfer energy through the magnetic field, there is no open flame, and there is no safety hazard such as short circuit caused by high temperature aging like electric heating wire. Moreover, electromagnetic equipment generally has multiple safety protection mechanisms, such as overheating protection, leakage protection, etc., and it will automatically cut off the power supply when an abnormal situation is detected. Electric teppanyaki has good safety protection, but because of the use of heating resistance wire, if the resistance wire is aged or damaged after long-term use, the heating tube needs to be replaced regularly, generally every 3-5 years. Cost of use and maintenance Electromagnetic teppanyaki equipment is generally expensive because of its relatively high technical content and complex electromagnetic induction system. However, in the long run, due to its high energy efficiency, the electricity cost is relatively low. At the maintenance level, since the principle of electromagnetic heating is simple and the internal structure is more suitable for long-term stable operation, the electromagnetic teppanyaki mainly maintains the cleanliness and rust prevention of the equipment to achieve long-term stable operation. Electric teppanyaki equipment is usually cheaper. However, due to its slightly lower energy efficiency, the electricity cost may be slightly higher in long-term use. In terms of maintenance, in addition to rust prevention and cleaning, the heating tube needs to be replaced every 3-5 years, but the price of the heating tube is generally not very high. Experience of using electromagnetic teppanyaki The electromagnetic heating method makes the iron plate heat more evenly, and the cooked food tastes better. In addition, electromagnetic teppanyaki equipment is usually equipped with an intelligent control system that can accurately control the cooking temperature and time, improving the accuracy and convenience of cooking. Although electric teppanyaki can also meet basic cooking needs, it may be slightly inferior to electromagnetic teppanyaki in terms of heating uniformity and cooking accuracy. The temperature control accuracy is also not as good as that of electromagnetic teppanyaki. In summary, electromagnetic teppanyaki has obvious advantages in heating speed, energy efficiency, safety, cost control and user experience. Therefore, if the budget allows and there are high requirements for cooking efficiency and quality, electromagnetic teppanyaki will be a better choice. However, the price of electromagnetic teppanyaki is relatively high, and you need to consider it according to your actual situation. With the improvement of technology, the gap between electric teppanyaki and electromagnetic teppanyaki is not much, and the price is cheaper. Therefore, if you are not very strict about quality, electric teppanyaki is also a good choice. Well, today's teppanyaki science popularization ends here. If it helps you, you can pay attention to us. Of course, if you have teppanyaki needs, you can send us a private message or go to our official website dgjscn.com to get special discount channels.

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