Why does the range hood motor not turn?


We all know that the kitchen fumes are very heavy, so we need a range hood to absorb the fumes. But when the range hood breaks down and stops turning, what should we do? SHINELONG editor will introduce the reasons why the range hood motor does not turn. What is the matter with the range hood motor not turning? 1. The motor power of the range hood is not very large, and the probability of burning is usually very small; if it can be determined that the capacitor in the range hood is normal, the most likely reason is that the range hood has been used for too long and the motor rotor (bearing) of the range hood is greasy. 2. The motor does not turn and there is a buzzing sound. Usually, the capacitor capacity is reduced or short-circuited, causing the motor to fail to start normally; you first look at the appearance of the capacitor. If there are signs of burning on the appearance, it means that the capacitor is broken, and replacing a new capacitor of the same type can eliminate the problem. 3. If the fan blades of the motor turn very lightly, it means that it is not a problem of lubrication. Finally, consider the problem of the motor (the motor can be used for 8 years). If the motor heats up and only turns for a short time, it means that the coil inside the motor has a short circuit between turns. The motor is broken and you can only buy a new one. 4. If the motor rotor of the range hood is greasy, it will also cause the motor to not turn normally, causing the motor to heat up and eventually burn out. You gently flick the fan blades of the motor with your hand. If the fan blades turn very slowly, it means that the lubrication is not good. You open the motor, drip some lubricating oil on the shaft, and turn the fan blades of the motor a few more times until the motor bearing turns very lightly. The above is the reason why the range hood motor does not turn shared by the editor of SHINELONG. I hope it can help everyone; you are also welcome to follow the official website of SHINELONG. We specialize in undertaking high-end commercial kitchen engineering solutions, commercial kitchen equipment matching and commercial kitchen modification design and other related commercial kitchen businesses! .

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