How to clean the filter of oil fume purifier


We all know that all kitchens will install fume purifiers to exhaust smoke, because there are a lot of kitchen fumes. If the walls are not contaminated by oil, it will be more difficult to clean them later. However, do you know how to clean the filter of the fume purifier? Let's see how the SHINELONG editor explains it. How to clean the fume purifier Note: It is recommended to find a professional cleaning company to clean the filter of the fume purifier. Because the structure of the filter is relatively complex, it is easy to damage the filter if you clean it yourself; and it is best to clean it once a week. 1. The fume purifier is mainly composed of a fume filter. To clean the fume purifier, of course, the fume filter must be unloaded and cleaned. Since the fume purifier is electrified, non-professionals are prohibited from disassembling it. 2. After disassembling the filter of the fume purifier, the fume purifier is generally divided into different sizes, and the purifiers are also very different. This is divided into the size of the purifier fume filter and the number of fume filters. Generally, there are as many as 20 filters. Therefore, the price of cleaning purifiers of different models is also different, but the cleaning process is basically the same. 3. There is usually a lot of heavy oil adsorbed on the fume purifier, but we need to put it in a larger container for cleaning. Lifting it directly will affect the customer's floor and easily make it dirty. Then, we need to wrap the fume purifier and then remove the wrapping bag in the container. 4. To clean the fume filter, put the 100-degree Celsius water boiled in advance into the container, and then add our professional decontamination tablets. The length of soaking varies according to the degree of oil pollution, generally ranging from half an hour to two hours. The more difficult to remove oil pollution needs to be handled manually, and the oil pollution is thinned before being put into the container. 5. After soaking, rinse the fume filter with a high-pressure cleaner. 6. After these main tasks are done, the fume purifier cleaning also includes a chassis part. The oil pollution in the chassis needs to be fully cleaned. These tasks can be carried out at the same time as the soaking work. How to use the fume purifier correctly 1. When using the fume purifier, press the start button first, let the fume purifier start working, and then ignite the stove to form an air flow in advance and smoothly discharge the fume and fuel exhaust gas. 2. When frying, stir-frying, and deep-frying food, try to avoid sparks being sucked into the fume purifier and burning internal parts. 3. When using high-pressure cookers, when opening the safety valve, the fume purifier should be turned off in time to prevent the ejected material from being inhaled into the machine. 4. When the fume purifier is running, do not reach out to test the air volume at the air inlet to avoid being injured by the fan blades. 5. When the fume purifier is not in use, turn off the power and unplug it to avoid shortening the service life of the fume purifier. This article is an explanation of how to clean the fume purifier by the editor of SHINELONG, hoping to help you better understand the fume purifier. A good fume purifier can not only effectively remove oil stains in the kitchen air, but also effectively remove odors in the kitchen air, which is good for health. It can effectively remove particulate fume in the fume duct and improve the kitchen and hotel catering environment. If you need to purchase a fume purifier, I hope you choose SHINELONG.

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