Why does the commercial ice maker not make ice?


Ice is very common in our lives, especially in summer. When buying milk tea in a milk tea shop, in order to make the milk tea cooler, ice will be added to the milk tea, and these ices are made by ice makers. Milk tea shops are highly dependent on ice makers. However, during the use of ice makers, due to the length of use and maintenance issues, commercial ice makers do not make ice. So what is the reason for the commercial ice maker not making ice? Let's find out with SHINELONG editor. What causes the commercial ice maker not to make ice? 1. The machine runs but does not produce ice: the water pan is not enough or there is no water; the reducer fails or the reducer motor system fails, ice is blocked, dirty, etc. 2. Reduced ice production: capillary or expansion valve blockage, too high water in the system with slight ice blockage, ice maker condensation system blockage, insufficient refrigerant or leakage, evaporator is too dirty. 3. The compressor works intermittently: the voltage is too low to check the power supply, the cross-contact point is burned and the contact is poor, the system pressure protection, the compressor starter failure, the condenser is too dirty, and the high pressure protection. 4. Ice maker leaks: the water supply from the water inlet valve to the water tray is too large, the water pipe is damaged, the pipe clamp is faulty, and the water level float valve is faulty. 5. Wet ice flakes are not hard: the ambient temperature is too high, especially in summer, the refrigerant in the repaired machine is too much, the water supply from the water distribution tray of the ice maker is too large, and the compressor power is insufficient. 6. Excessive noise: ice maker fan failure, reducer failure, and loud compressor noise. 7. System failure when starting the machine: phase sequence problem, power supply system failure, control board failure. 8. Water shortage alarm: water supply joint filter is blocked, water supply pipe is blocked, water inlet valve is blocked, drain valve is leaking, and water pump is faulty. 9. The compressor works but does not make ice: refrigerant leaks or the solenoid valve is damaged and not closed tightly. 10. The ice maker does not supply water: because the water pump is broken, water cannot be pressed onto the ice tray, so ice cannot be made. 11. Poor heat dissipation: the main manifestation is that the ice making time is prolonged or even no ice can be made. Due to poor heat dissipation, the compressor gets hot and causes overheating protection and no ice making. Commercial ice maker command mode 1. The refrigeration effect of water-cooled ice maker: It is determined by the water temperature. The higher the water temperature, the higher the condensation temperature, and the lower the refrigeration efficiency of the refrigeration unit. The water-cooled ice maker can reduce the condensation temperature of the refrigeration unit, improve the refrigeration efficiency, and the loss of ice production capacity in summer will not be too large. 2. The refrigeration effect of air-cooled ice maker: It is determined by the ambient temperature. The higher the ambient temperature, the higher the condensation temperature, and the lower the refrigeration efficiency of the refrigeration unit. Under normal circumstances, air-cooled ice makers are not recommended for places where the ambient temperature exceeds 42°C. The refrigeration method of the ice maker is to increase the refrigerant from low pressure to high pressure, so that heat is discharged from the low temperature environment to the high temperature environment. Since the ice maker works continuously, the compressor must be continuously cooled to ensure its working efficiency. In summary: The above is the reason why the commercial ice maker does not make ice. I hope that the sharing of SHINELONG editor can help everyone learn more about the knowledge of ice makers, especially friends in the food industry should pay more attention to the content we share; and the ice maker is very effective when making ice, and the efficiency is also very high. So I hope that if you encounter problems with ice makers in your future life, you can pay more attention to the content we share.

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