What is a commercial steam cabinet?


Usually we cook with electric rice cookers, which is very convenient to cook rice. However, if there are many people dining, I am afraid that no matter how big the electric rice cooker is, it will not be enough. So there is a commercial steaming cabinet, which is mainly used for rice supply in canteens of factories, schools, hospitals and other places with a large number of people. So what is a commercial steaming cabinet? Let SHINELONG Xiaobian introduce it to you. What is a commercial steaming cabinet? The role of commercial steaming cabinets in catering commercial kitchens is very large. Commercial steaming cabinets refer to large kitchen baking equipment that uses gas, electric heating, and electromagnetic induction heating to steam and cook rice. The interior uses a stainless steel steaming plate as a container. In order to facilitate movement, universal wheels are installed under the equipment, so the appearance is like a car. The body is cabinet-shaped and made of stainless steel. It is generally made of food stainless steel and 304 stainless steel. Working principle and advantages and disadvantages of commercial steaming cabinets 1. Commercial (electromagnetic) steaming cabinet: a kitchen appliance that converts electrical energy into thermal energy using the principle of electromagnetic induction. Advantages: cost saving, fast heating speed, precise temperature control, and safety; Disadvantages: high initial investment cost, and its service life is shorter than that of (commercial) gas steaming cabinets due to its complex structure. 2. Commercial (electric heating tube) steam cabinet: The electric heating tube is a kind of heating device that converts electrical energy into heat energy to heat the materials to be heated. Advantages: low price and cost, small and movable shape; Disadvantages: short service life, the power of the heating tube increases as the heating time increases, until the heating tube is damaged. 3. Commercial (gas) steam cabinet: The gas is heated by the energy released by the combustion of the burner. Advantages: long service life and low price and cost; Disadvantages: cannot be moved, the functionality is not as good as the electromagnetic steam cabinet, there is open flame and exhaust gas. 4. External steam generator steam cabinet: The steam generator is a heat exchanger that mainly uses the reactor power unit to drive the cooler to pressurize and heat, and then conduct the heat transfer process. Advantages: high temperature, large steam volume, and sufficient pressure; Disadvantages: high initial investment cost, need separate storage space, and occupy a large space. What are the series of commercial steam cabinets? 1. According to the heating method: electromagnetic heating steam cabinet, electric heating tube heating steam cabinet, gas heating steam cabinet, external steam generator steam cabinet. 2. According to the steam generator: integrated commercial steaming cabinet, split commercial steaming cabinet, electric external steam dual-purpose steaming cabinet. 3. According to commercial use: rice steaming cabinet, seafood steaming cabinet. 4. According to performance: economic steaming cabinet, luxury steaming cabinet, seafood steaming cabinet, intelligent steaming cabinet, plateau steaming cabinet, steaming room. Commercial steaming cabinet use places: hotels, troops, factories, schools, hospitals, enterprises and other large canteens. Commercial steaming cabinet use: in addition to steaming rice, steamed buns, dumplings, corn, you can also steam pork, chicken, duck and other meat, there are seafood steaming cabinets specially used for steaming seafood, you can also stew soup. It can also be used as tableware and tea set high-temperature steam disinfection. Food is the first necessity of the people. This sentence shows that eating is the most important thing for people. There are countless cooking tools on the market now, and commercial steaming cabinets are one of them. Commercial steaming cabinets are commonly known as rice steaming cabinets. They are a kind of equipment used for steaming and cooking food. They are mostly used in hotels, restaurants and factory canteens.

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