The difference between electric ceramic stove and induction cooker


With the diversification of kitchen appliances, many cooking devices that use electricity to generate fire have emerged. Induction cookers and electric ceramic cookers are the two most common types. So, what is the difference between the two? Let's learn about it with SHINELONG editor. The difference between induction cookers and electric ceramic cookers 1. Different heating methods Induction cooker: It is made based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. The alternating magnetic field generated by the internal coil acts on the iron pan, causing the bottom of the iron pan to produce an eddy current effect, so that the iron pan itself heats up, with high thermal efficiency, and the highest electric heat conversion efficiency can reach more than 90%. Electric ceramic cooker: It uses nickel-chromium metal heating elements to generate heat, and conducts heat to the pot through infrared radiation to heat the food in the pot. Because there is a conduction process, the thermal efficiency is low, only about 60%. From the perspective of saving, induction cookers are more energy-saving. 2. Use different pots Induction cooker: Only iron pots with good magnetic conductivity can be used, and other materials will not heat. Electric ceramic cooker: As long as the pot can be used on an open flame stove, it can be used on an electric ceramic cooker, and can be used as a barbecue grill. 3. Safety Induction cooker: Because it does not generate heat by itself, even if there is no pot in it, it will not cause burns even if people touch it. Ceramic cooker: Because it generates heat by itself, it will generate heat whether there is a pot or not, and there will be high-temperature residual heat after work, which is easy to cause burns. From a safety perspective, induction cookers are safer. The above is the difference between ceramic cookers and induction cookers shared by SHINELONG editor. They have their own advantages and disadvantages. The functions are basically the same, but their cooking effects are somewhat different, so when purchasing, you must understand your needs and purchase corresponding products.

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